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OER at Thomas Edison State University: What is OER?

This guide walks people through the philosophies behind Open Education Resources, approaches for finding and vetting OER resources, and tools for finding OER.

The OER Framework

Open Educational Resources (OER) consist of open-licensed educational content from a variety of educational domains. These materials include textbooks, videos, interactive elements, lecture notes, assessments, and learning guides that can be freely used, added to, revised, and enhanced. David Wiley defines OER using the 5R framework:

  1. Retain – make, own, and control a copy of the resource (e.g., download and keep your own copy)
  2. Revise – edit, adapt, and modify your copy of the resource (e.g., translate into another language)
  3. Remix – combine your original or revised copy of the resource with other existing material to create something new (e.g., make a mashup)
  4. Reuse – use your original, revised, or remixed copy of the resource publicly (e.g., on a website, in a presentation, in a class)
  5. Redistribute – share copies of your original, revised, or remixed copy of the resource with others (e.g., post a copy online or give one to a friend)

The 5rs of David Wiley in a graphic